13/15- [Palestina] First Popular Resistance Conference |
PALESTINE FIRST POPULAR RESISTANCE CONFERENCE PALESTINE: ONE PATH THE POPULAR COMMITTEES, ALONG WITH PALESTINIAN CIVIL SOCIETY GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS, HAVE ORGANIZED A PLANNING CONFERENCE FROM JULY 13-15 TO BE HELD IN THREE SPONSORING VILLAGES - BEIT OMMAR, NILIN, IRAQ BURIN._ International and Israeli activists and organizations in solidarity with the Palestinian people are INVITED TO JOIN US for a new kind of conferences, one where women and men, farmers, students, shop owners, laborers and professionals from across the West Bank will join with veteran Palestinian activists and academics to educate and inspire each other, working towards a unified, popular non-violent strategy to resist the occupation. This conference is designed explicitly as a Palestinian organizing conference. Parallel workshops and activities will be organized for international participants and translation provided for key speeches, but the bulk of the panels, workshops and activities will be led by Palestinians, for Palestinians, to develop a unified strategy for moving forward: creating One Path. Panel discussions will be held on topics critical to the future of the Palestinian people: settlements and The Wall, the Judaization of Jerusalem, and refugees as well as discussions on national positions, the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions campaign, international solidarity, and the development of a truly national strategy of non-violent resistance. We hope that by spreading this conference throughout the Ramallah, Hebron and Nablus Districts, and by engaging communities already participating in non-violent resistance, we will DEVELOP A CONCRETE WORK PROGRAM FOR CREATING A NON-VIOLENT MOVEMENT THROUGHOUT PALESTINE, LEADING TO OUR COLLECTIVE LIBERATION. Please make sure to confirm your attendance and indicate which panel you are interested in. CONTACT DETAILS: Conference Coordinator: Younes Arar (972)59965272, Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo., Conference Spokesmen: Beit Ommar - Mousa Abu Marya - (972)598139590 Iraq Burin - Jamal Jom'ah - (972)598921821 Nabi Saleh - Bashir Tamimi – (972)597903300 Also follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=207527992602122#!/event.php?eid=207527992602122 |
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