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31- Molière et le théâtre arabe (presentaz libro)

Gennaio 2016
Pubblicazione libro:

Langone, Angela Daiana
Molière et le théâtre arabe
Réception moliéresque et identités nationales arabes
[Molière and Arab Theatre: Reception and National Identities]

Series:mimesis 62

Aims and Scope

Molière, often considered the ‘godfather of Arab theatre’, was first introduced to the Arab world in 1847 by Marun Naqqaš and his adaptation of The Miser. Since then, Molière has never ceased to influence Arab dramaturgy. Discussing a series of plays by authors from Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco, this study aims at defining Molière’s role in the development of a national Arab theatre.

Considéré souvent comme le «parrain du théâtre arabe», Molière arrive dans le monde arabe grâce à une adaptation de L’Avare par le libanais Marun Naqqaš (1847): à partir de ce moment, la dramaturgie arabe ne cessera plus de puiser à son répertoire. À travers un corpus de pièces provenant du Liban, de l’Egypte, de la Tunisie et du Maroc, ce travail entend définir la place de Molière dans la genèse d’un théâtre national arabe.

Angela Daiana Langone, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy.

Table of Contents

- Frontmatter
Pages I-IV
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- Table des matières
Pages V-VIII
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- Avant-propos
Pages IX-X

- Systèmes de transcription de l’arabe
Pages XI-XII

1. Introduction
Pages 1-20

2. Sortir de la stagnation
Pages 21-82

3. Se défendre de l’autre et se construire soimême
Pages 83-118

4. L’identité et la synthèse culturelle
Pages 119-152

5. Entre tradition et innovation
Pages 153-192

6. Conclusions
Pages 193-200

7. Annexes. al-Baḫīl de Mārūn Naqqāš
Pages 201-244

8. Annexes. Mūlyīr Miṣr wa-mā yuqāsīhi de Ya‘qūb Ṣannū‘
Pages 245-260

9. Annexes. Le Maréchal de Noureddine Kasbaoui
Pages 261-316

- Bibliographie
Pages 317-328

- Index des noms
Pages 329-332


Angela Daiana Langone
Réception moliéresque et identités nationales arabes
[Molière and Arab Theatre: Reception and National Identities]

mimesis 62
xii, 332 pages, 1 Fig. 14 Tables

RRP *€ [D] 99.95 / *US$ 140.00 /
*GBP 74.99
ISBN 978-3-11-044234-2

RRP *€ [D] 99.95 / *US$ 140.00 /
*GBP 74.99
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-043684-6
EPUB ISBN 978-3-11-043445-3

RRP *€ [D] 149.95 / *US$ 210.00 /
*GBP 112.99
ISBN 978-3-11-043685-3

Date of Publication: January 2016

Language of Publication: French

Comparative Literary Studies
Literary Genres and Media - Drama, Theater
Literature of other Nations and Languages
- Other Nations and Languages
Romance Literature -  French Literature -
16th-17th Century

Of interest to: Academics (Comparative
Literature, Post-colonial Literature, French
and Arab Studies), Libraries

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xii, 332 pages
1 Fig. 14 Tables
Type of Publication:
    Molière; Comparative Literature; Modern Arab Literature; Political Theatre
    Academics (Comparative Literature, Post-colonial Literature, French and Arab Studies), Libraries

    Literary Studies > Comparative Literary Studies
    Literary Studies > Romance Literature > French Literature > 16th-17th Century
    Literary Studies > Literature of other Nations and Languages > Other Nations and Languages
    Literary Studies > Literary Genres and Media > Drama, Theater

MARC record
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Flyer: http://www.degruyter.com/flyer/DGM/product/460972.pdf


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