EVENTI a Roma riguardanti Medio Oriente e Mondo Arabo (Calendario)
20/23- [Palestina, Bil'in] Palestinian Popular Struggle (conferenza) |
Report di questo evento:
CISGIORDANIA: CONFERENZA A BI'LIN IN RICORDO DI VITTORIO Si chiude oggi nel villaggio palestinese la sesta conferenza dei comitati popolari per la resistenza nonviolenta, quest’anno dedicata alla memoria dell’attivista e giornalista italiano Vittorio Arrigoni. Nei diversi workshop organizzati, si é ribadita la necessità di attività a supporto della campagna BDS.http://www.nena-news.com/?p=9255 ----------------- You will find the official program of the 6th Bilin Conference in the following link: ----------------- Per l'Italia la referente è Luisa Morgantini (vd. in calendario eventi SMO il viaggio con Luisa Morgantini) ----------------- April 20-23: The 6th Annual Bil'in Conference on the Palestinian Popular Struggle
What: 6th Annual Bil'in Conference on the Palestinian Popular Struggle
From Gaza to Bil’in, popular resistance to the occupation remains steadfast. Drawing delegations from across the globe, the Bil’in conference will provide opportunities to build and strengthen ties between Palestinian, Israeli and international activists working against Israeli apartheid, to strategize and to support Palestinian popular resistance. Representatives from the popular committees throughout the West Bank will be in attendance. As a result of our experience in previous years we have decided to add a fourth day to the conference and make more time for participatory workshops. The program will include a number of renowned presenters as well as opportunities to workshop, participate in a direct action and visit other communities engaged in popular resistance. Tentative schedule: Wednesday, Thursday mornings: Presentations and panels by Palestinian and international figures (to be announced), including a video-link to Gazan fishermen working under siege. Wednesday, Thursday afternoons: Strategizing workshops to share ideas and brainstorm, connect and network with international activists. A focus on linking the global BDS movement to the struggle “on the ground”. Friday: Demonstration in Bil’in against the settlements and separation wall. Saturday: Field trips to visit different neighborhoods and villages currently involved in the popular struggle. Conference admission: €30 suggested donation Prepare your delegation today and join the struggle to bring freedom to Palestine!
Popular Struggle Coordination Committee | Amarat alRamouni | Ramallah | Occupied Territories -------------------------- COMUNICATO RETE ROMANA SU CONFERENZA BIL'IN: Si apre oggi la Sesta Conferenza Annuale di Bil’in sulla Resistenza Popolare. E’ dedicata alla memoria di Vittorio Arrigoni, pacifista. |
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