EVENTI a Roma riguardanti Medio Oriente e Mondo Arabo (Calendario)

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19/21- [Jerusalem] Written and writing Arabic

Written Arabic, Writing Arabic

June 19 – June 21, 2012
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

For the conference poster, click here:

The new framework for the study of written Arabic is a joint international project of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Roma Tre University, Rome.

The First International Conference on Written Arabic and Writing Arabic is intended to establish a new framework for discussing a wide range of linguistic and stylistic aspects of written Arabic, e.g., orthography (and pronunciation of the text), morphology, micro-syntax and macro-syntax, discourse analysis, style and literary and semi-literary genres. Participants will, it is hoped, include specialists of different periods and different varieties of Arabic. We believe that an interdisciplinary approach to these topics, transecting the traditional fields in the research of Arabic and studying and dealing with Arabic “without adjectives”, will enhance our knowledge of the patterns of development of written Arabic, the distinct features defining each variety and the solid features that are present throughout the cultural continuum of writing Arabic.

The first conference at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, will be followed by a second conference at Roma Tre University, Rome.


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