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23- [Francia] Scambio interculturale "Europe Arab Spring"

Scambio interculturale "Europe at the time of the Arab Spring" a Cognac, Francia dal 23 Febbraio al 1 Marzo 2014.

Sono aperte le candidature per partecipare al seminario Europe at the time of the Arab Spring che permetterà ad uno di voi di volare in Francia dal  23 Febbraio all'1 Marzo
L'associazione Scambieuropei, partner del progetto, è alla ricerca di 1 parteciante che sia interessato al tema e risponda ai requisiti richiesti
Quando: 23 febbraio- 1 Marzo
Dove: Cognac, Francia
Lingua del progetto: inglese (possibile utilizzo della lingua francese)
Destinatari: 1 partecipante over 22. No limiti di età
Paesi partecipanti: Italia, Francia, Spagna, Regno Unito, Paesi Bassi, Belgio, Marocco, Egitto, Palestina, Tunisia, Turchia, Giordania, Palestina, Libano, Slovacchia, Algeria, Romania.

Requisiti di partecipazione:
- Conoscenza buona dell'inglese e preferibilmente anche del francese
- avere almeno 22 anni
- essere interessato al tema
- avere qualche competenza nel campo della progettazione europea e/o conoscena dei progetti di mobilità youthinaction

Descrizione del progetto:
Europe at the time of the Arab Spring Which choice about migration, freedom of expression, religion and women Maghreb with or without Europe ?
The 2011 Maghreb insurrections have underlined, as if it was necessary, the different faces of this question which is, at the same time, a true and a false problem. On one hand, they seem testify the failing of the Euro-mediterranean politics from the Barcelona Process to the Mediterranean Union: these insurrections had showed that European governments have to face the mobilization of all Maghreb society, that “civil society” who was always considered as the “poor relative” of the Euro-mediterranean politics. On the other hand, the persistence of changing dynamics, migration projects, circulation of ideas, etc., testify the depth of interconnections between Maghreb and Europe. Because the Euro-Maghreb relations have already been object of various publications, it seemed appropriate to ask this question and reflect on this problem.

Of course it is very hard thinking Maghreb without Europe, and making a question like this can appear really provocative. In reality we are not suggesting a break between the two (Maghreb and Europe), because it is clear that it would be simply unrealistic, given the numerous relations between the two – good relations (periods of exchange and peaceful cooperation) and even bad relations (conflicts or tensions) – are strong and we cannot even ignore them, because of the geographical proximity. The Strait of Gibraltar (14 km) and the Strait of Messina (larger, about 100 km) connect, rather than separate, the two spaces, like the continuous exchange between the two banks shows; especially the movements of people (legal or illegal), who pass through, make Europe, as well as Maghreb, very worried.

But, if the problem of migration from Maghreb to Europe seems obvious, it requires in any case new It is not useless remember another evidence sometimes forgotten: these movements of human being have been very large in the past, with various invasions from north and from south and everyone remembers very vividly the mutual exclusion that can result from this. In today's worrying environment, in which we witness the barriers put from Europe to the immigration and the expulsions of illegal immigrants who seem to become more and more massive, has a scientific pertinence making historical comparisons (like the expulsion of the Jews from Spain after the Muslims or the forced conversion of the Muslim Moors to Christianity)? Could we also make, reversing the point of view - and in a different context (because there wasn’t an expulsion order) - a parallel with the post-colonial migration, in which more than a million and a half of Europeans (but also hundreds of thousands of Jews and Muslims) left the These human movements often took a military shape both in the past and more recently, as evidenced by the events in Libya, which reveal another disturbing aspect of the relationship between the Maghreb and Europe.

They didn’t renounce to the use of the force even when NATO’s intervention gave some semblance of international law. Today the different Euro-maghrebin and euro-mediterranean projects, the multiple bilateral agreements of cooperation among States of Maghreb and States of Europe seems to justify the research of new type of relations. These agreements have replaced the colonial relationships with new high-density relationships, which often take the form of a privileged partnership. However, we can wonder about the nature of these relationships, not only for each individual country, but for the entire Maghreb region. We can easily refer to some simple figures on economic exchanges of the Maghreb countries to have a data table both interesting and worrying. In the field of economic exchanges, the European Union accounts for between 60 and 75% of the imports of the Arab Maghreb Union (Union du Maghreb Arabe – UMA) and Maghreb exports towards European Union account for between 50 and 70% of their total exports. In comparison, the EU's role in international trade, already weak, continues to decline for two decades, increasing from 2% at the beginning of the 80s to just 0.6% today.

As regards the trade inter-Maghreb, it is fluctuating in a range, depending on the state, between 1 and 5% of their total trade. The Maghreb is the crossroads where the UMA is blocked and unable to develop a common position on the international stage, where issues regional, continental and global intertwine more. So, first of all, these networks of virtuous and vicious circles that undermine the stability of the Maghreb itself are in the background. Therefore it is necessary to review and reallocate the relationship between the two sets (the Maghreb and the European Union) by opening other roads both for each country in the Maghreb itself, and for an integrated regional

By bringing together community leaders and opinion leaders, ADIF plans to mobilize citizens on this issue and working on the international mobility of young people. We also want to use this meeting to boost cooperation between Europe and the Mediterranean. We intend to bring together journalists, politicians, official association to deepen the reflections, often highly political and determining between our two peoples
These meetings will be in the form of seminars, with a series of large-scale conference to democratize the debate between the two continents and bringing people together. The seminar will be also an opportunity to experience large-scale conferences in streaming online. The WebTV will serve to spread the word and get people involved in various conferences and participate through the website. WEBTV The team will be strengthened by the project partners.

- Vitto (colazione-pranzo e cena)e alloggio sono coperti al 100% dall’associazione hosting per tutta la durata del progetto
- I trasporti acquistati dai partecipanti verranno rimborsati a fine progetto al 70% su un massimale di riferimento che vi verrà indicato una volta selezionati.Spese superiori saranno a carico del partecipante (la percentuale è calcolata sempre sul quel massimale)
- Quota di scambio 40 Euro valida come tessera associazione Scambieuropei per il 2014 più 40 euro di quota di partecipazione

Chi è già tesserato 2014, dovrà pagare solo la quota di partecipazione.

La quota va pagata SOLO dopo essere stati selezionati


SCARICA IL PROGRAMMA GIORNALIERO (il programma potrebbe subire lievi variazioni. Le date riportate all'interno sono errate. Le date corrette sono quelle riportate ad inizio post)

IMPORTANTE . Ragazzi è assolutamente importante che conserviate tutti i giustificativi di viaggio e le boarding pass dei voli aerei cosi come i biglietti dei treni o bus perché devono essere consegnati all’associazione non appena arrivati. Allo stesso modo, al vostro ritorno in Italia, ognuno di voi dovrà prima scansionare i giustificativi di viaggio e inviarli all’indirizzo che i responsabili vi indicheranno.

Guida alla candidatura:
Per candidarsi inviare o inglese e qualche riga motivazionale sul corpo della mail ATTRAVERSO QUESTO FORM

Verranno ricontattati solo i candidati selezionati in caso di alto numero delle candidature

Rimani sempre aggiornato sui Training course attivi, diventa fan della pagina SCAMBI INTERCULTURALI

il prima possibile


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