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30- [Israele] Galilee Institute, 2 Nations

Winter Programme delivered by Israelis and Palestinians,
Galilee Institute, Israel

"Two Nations and Three Religions in Israel and Palestine"

A Programme Delivered by Israelis and Palestinians
Tuition Scholarships are available at this time

Israel, 30th December, 2014 - 11th January, 2015

We are witnessing a shift in the balance of power between religion and nationalism where in religion is regaining its power as a dominant factor in the Middle East.
In what ways, if any, is this reality relevant to the relationship between Israelis and Palestinians and what is the role of each of the three religions in the fabric of this relationship?

Those questions and more will be examined and discussed in depth during Galilee Institute’s special programme: “ Two Nations and Three Religions in Israel and Palestine”.

Registration for the upcoming winter programme has commenced. Register here
The programme - intended for students and professionals interested in the Middle East - aims to provide first hand exposure to various aspects of the Israeli and Palestinian societies, histories and relations. Through classroom lectures and study tours led by Israeli and Palestinian Academics, the participants will gain a rich and deep insight into the current reality.

A limited number of tuition scholarships will be available to qualified candidates. The scholarships do not include the airfare to and from Israel and the living expenses while the participants are in Israel.

We would appreciate it if you would bring this programme to the attention of students and colleagues at your university. For more information please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Nirit Yardeni-Drori at: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. or visit our website: http://www.galilcol.ac.il/middle-east

Website: www.galilcol.ac.il
Email: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Tel: (972) 4 642 8888
Fax: (972) 4 651 4811
Address: Nahalal 1060000, Israel P.O. Box 208


At the Centre of Middle East and Religious Studies, we believe in local peace initiatives and constantly seek to promote channels of cooperation (see: Galilee Institute Peace Initiatives; seminars for Palestinians).

If you wish to become involved, come and join us for our “Two Nations and Three Religions in Israel and Palestine” winter seminar, scheduled for 30th December, 2014 to 11th January, 2015.

Tuition scholarships and early bird discount are available at this time.

Centre of Middle East and Religious Studies

Galilee Institute Peace Initiatives

Seminars for Palestinians

Two Nations and Three Religions in Israel and Palestine


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