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05/07- Imam in Europa Occidentale (conferenza)

Conferenza Internazionale sul tema
"Imam in Europa Occidentale: Autorità, Formazione e Sfide Istituzionali"
che avrà luogo a Roma dal 5 al 7 novembre 2014
presso l'Università Luiss.

Il Centro Islamico Culturale d'Italia partecipa ai lavori della prima giornata con un intervento del Segretario Generale.

Per registrarsi all'evento accedere alla pagina seguente: www.luiss.it/evento/2014/11/05/imams-western-europe

Il programma è inoltre disponibile al seguente link: www.imamsofthewest.com  

Centro Islamico Culturale d'Italia


International Conference

Imams in Western Europe

Authority, Training, and Institutional Challenges

LUISS Guido Carli University and John Cabot University, Rome, Italy

November 5-7, 2014

Organized by

the Department of Political Science and MISLAM Programme
of the School of Government at LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome,
the NordForsk Research Network Norms and Narratives in the Nordic
Countries (NONA),
and the European Council of Moroccan Oulema (CEOM), Brussels,
in cooperation with the Netherlands Interuniversity School for
Islamic Studies (NISIS),
the Department of Cross Cultural Studies at the University of Copenhagen,
and the Department of Political Science and International Affairs,
at John Cabot University


Mohammed Hashas, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Political
Science, LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome.
Niels Valdemar Vinding, Assistant Professor, Department of Cross Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen.


Khalid Hajji, Secretary General of the European Council of Moroccan
Oulema and Associate Professor at Mohamed I University in Oujda
Jan Jaap de Ruiter, Assistant professor, Department of Cultural Studies, Tilburg University.
Tom Bailey, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Philosophy, John Cabot University
Michael Driessen, Assistant Professor of Political Science & International Affairs, John Cabot university

Keynote speakers:

Hilary Kalmbach (Sussex University, UK)
Jasser Auda (European Council for Fatwa and Research, Ireland)
Jonathan Laurence (Boston College, USA)
Jorgen Nielsen (University of Copenhagen)
Marco Ventura (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium)
Stefano Allievi (University of Padova, Italy)

Conceptual Framework

The social facts of globalization, transnational migration and the various interpretations of secularism have challenged the visibility of religion in the public sphere in “Western” societies. This has most importantly and urgently required religious authorities to revisit their organization, governance and internal hierarchy, which link believers and their community to God. Islamic religious authority is no exception. All over the Islamic world and Europe, Islamic religious authority is still struggling to negotiate its place among the institutions of the modern state. The imamate is one of the institutions that is experiencing a shift in roles and functions in society amidst these institutions.

This conference will examine the following major themes:

• Imams in Islamic scholarship: intellectual requirements and the scope of action within religious scholarly authority
• Muslim religious authority and their representative bodies in Western Europe
• The Muslim community's authority over the Imam: the social stratum
• The importation of Imams and their geographical distribution in Western Europe
• The prospects of developing "home-grown" Imams: mosques, Islamic schools, university departments of theology, and possible partnerships
• Imams' training and the job market
• Imams, politics, and the media
• Imams and civic engagement: ethics, spirituality, environment, social justice, multiculturalism, etc.
• Comparative perspectives: best practices of religious national institutions and Imam training in Western Europe

Conference Programme

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

at LUISS Guido Carli University (Viale Pola 12, Aula Magna)

1:15 PM


Welcome session

2 PM

Welcome by LUISS School of Government:
Giovanni Orsina

Welcome by the conveners:
Mohammed Hashas, LUISS Guido Carli
Niels Valdemar Vinding, University of Copenhagen
Khalid Hajji, CEOM
Jan Jaap De Ruiter, NISIS
Chair: Francesca Corrao, LUISS Guido Carli

Public Opening Afternoon Session: Religious Authority in Secular Societies

2:30 PM

Keynote 1: Jasser Auda, European Council for Fatwa and Research, Ireland
“Imams in the West: Challenges of New Fatwa and Community Leadership”
Discussant: Mohammed Hashas, LUISS Guido Carli
Questions and comments
Chair: Giovanni Orsina, LUISS Guido Carli

3:30 PM

Keynote 2: Jorgen Nielsen, University of Copenhagen
“Imams in Europe: the Confusions of a Title”
Discussant: Oliver Scharbrodt, University of Chester
Questions and comments
Chair: Carmela Decaro, LUISS Guido Carli

4:30 PM

Coffee break

5:00 PM

Keynote 3: Stefano Allievi, University of Padova
“Precarious Reality, Distorted Visibility: Mosques, Imams and Preachers in Italy”
Discussant: Thijl Sunier, University of Amsterdam
Questions and comments
Chair: Raffaele Marchetti, LUISS Guido Carli

6:00 PM

Roundtable 1
Jasser Auda,
Jorgen S. Nielsen,
Stefano Allievi,
Khalid Hajji,
Abdellah Redouane (Secretary General of the Islamic Cultural Center of Rome),
Francesco Zannini (PISAI, Rome)
Chair: Francesca Corrao, LUISS Guido Carli

6:45 PM

End of the day’s programme

7 PM

Dinner (speakers only)

Thurday, 6 November 2014

at LUISS Guido Carli University (Viale Pola 12, Aula Magna)

8:30 AM

Session 1: The Imamate in Italy: The Status Quo and the Way Ahead
Paolo Branca, “Imams in Italy: Children of a Lesser God?”
Valentina Gentile, “Religious Institutions and Multiple Establishment: The Future of Religious Freedom in Italy”
Francesco Alicino, “Imams and other Religious Authorities in Italy: A Comparative Perspective”
Imam Yahya Pallavicini, “The Training of a New Generation of European Imams in Italy”
Chair: Antonio La Spina, LUISS Guido Carli

10:00 AM

Coffee break

10:30 AM

Keynote 4: Hilary Kalmbach, Sussex University, UK
“Authority in Islam: Men, Women, and Religious Leadership in Europe”
Discussant: Riem Spielhaus, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg
Questions and comments
Chair: Ersilia Francesca, L’Orientale University of Naples

11:30 AM

Session 2: Giving voice to religious authority

Melanie Kamp, “Religious Authority and Media Practices of Imams and Du’at – A Case Study from Germany”
Sara Silvestri, “ISIS’ Caliphate: What Authority for Muslims in the West?”
Sara Borrillo, “Murshidat in Moroccan Mosques: A New Female Religious Authority?”
Chair: Zaid Eyadat, University of Jordan

12:45 PM                     Lunch (speakers only)

The State and the Imamate: Negotiating Authority, Recognizing Institutionalizations

2 PM

Keynote 5: Jonathan Laurence, Boston College, “The Imam and the State”
Discussant: Niels Valdemar Vinding, University of Copenhagen
Chair: Michael Driessen, John Cabot University

3 PM

Session 3: Imams and the Struggle for Recognition in Europe

Jan Jaap de Ruiter, “The ideological struggle of Imams in the Netherlands”
Evrim Ersan Akkilic, “Imams in Austria: The crucial role of Imams in the integration process”
Romain Sèze, “For a visible Islam. The emergence of a protest speech in French mosques?”
Chair: Samim Akgönül , Marc Bloch University in Strasbourg

4 PM

Coffee break

4:30 PM

Session 4: Making Islam Work in Europe: Aesthetics and Authority

Thijl Sunier, “Aesthetics of Islamic Authority: Making Islam Work in Europe”
Farid El Asri, “Modèle(s) de formations des imams en Europe”
Tuomas Martikainen, “Efforts to Establish Imam Training in Finland”
Chair: Oliver Scharbrodt, University of Chester

5:45 PM

Roundtable 2:
Jonathan Laurence,
Hilary Kalmbach,
Riita Latvio (Forum for Culture and Religion FOKUS, Finland),
Shaukat Warraich (Faith Associates and Imams on Line Programme CEO, UK ),
Solenne Jouanneau (University of Strasbourg)
Chair: Federico Cresti, University of Catania

6:30 PM

End of the day’s programme

7 PM

Dinner (speakers only)

Friday, 7 November 2014

At John Cabot University (Lungotevere Raffaello Sanzio, 12, Room TG4)

9:30 AM

Keynote 6: Marco Ventura, University of Louvain,
“Training Religious Personnel in Europe: The Islamic Challenge”
Discussant: Domenico Melidoro, LUISS Guido Carli
Chair: Tom Bailey, John Cabot University

10:30 AM

Coffee break

10:45 AM

Session 5: Training imams in Europe
Atif Imtiaz, “Contextualising Islam in the United Kingdom: A Matter of Confidence?”
Riem Spielhaus, “Establishing Islamic Theology to Train Imams in Germany?”
Kirstine Sinclair, “Islamic Universities in the West and Questions of Authenticity:
Educating Tomorrow’s Muslim Community Leadership”
Chair: Khalid Hajji, CEOM

12:00 PM

Coffee Break

12:15 PM

Session 6: Training imams in Europe (continued)
Juan Ferreiro Galguera, “Imam’s Training in Spain”
Cédriq Baylocq, “A Critical Imâm inside the Brotherhood Network”
Mansur Ali, “British Imams in Chaplaincy: Working at the Interface of ‘Public’ and ‘Private’”
Chair: Jan Jaap de Ruiter, University of Tilburg

1:30 PM

Lunch (speakers only)

End of the conference

A small amount of grants are available for doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers. To apply for a grant, contact Mohammed Hashas, Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo., and Niels Valdemar Vinding, Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo., by 30 September 2014.

Conference webpage: www.imamsofthewest.com

Attendance is open and free but online registration is required, at: http://www.luiss.it/evento/2014/11/05/imams-western-europe


International Conference

Imams in Western Europe
Authority, Training, and Institutional Challenges

November 5-7, 2014 LUISS Guido Carli University and John Cabot University, Rome, Italy

Organized by
the Department of Political Science and the MISLAM Programme of the School of Government, LUISS Guido Carli University,
the NordForsk Research Network ‘Norms and Narratives in the Nordic Countries’,
and the European Council of Moroccan Oulema, Brussels,
in cooperation with the Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies,
the Department of Cross Cultural Studies at the University of Copenhagen
and the Department of Political Science and International Affairs, John Cabot University

Hilary Kalmbach (University of Sussex), Jasser Auda (European Council for Fatwa and Research, Ireland), Jonathan Laurence (Boston College), Jorgen Nielsen (University of Copenhagen), Marco Ventura (Catholic University of Leuven), Stefano Allievi (University of Padova)

Speakers and chairs of sessions:
Abdellah Redouane, Antonio La Spina, Atif Imtiaz, Carmela Decaro, Cédric Beylocq, Domenico Melidoro, Mansur Ali, Ersilia Francesca, Evrim Ersan Akkilic, Farid El Asri, Francesca Corrao, Francesco Zannini, Federico Cresti, Francesco Alicino, Giovanni Orsina, Imam Yahya Pallavicini, Jan Jaap de Ruiter, Jorgen Nielsen, Juan Ferreiro Galguera, Kristine Sinclair, Mansur Ali, Melanie Kamp, Oliver Scharbrodt, Paolo Branca, Raffaele Marchetti, Riem Spielhaus, Riita Latvio, Romain Sèze, Samim Akgönül, Sara Borrillo, Sara Silvestri, Shaukat Warraich, Solenne Jouanneau, Thijl Sunier, Tuomas Martikainen, Valentina Gentile, Zaid Eyadat.

Mohammed Hashas, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Political Science, LUISS Guido Carli University
Niels Valdemar Vinding, Assistant Professor, Department of Cross Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen

Khalid Hajji, Secretary General of the European Council of Moroccan Oulema and Associate Professor at Mohamed I University in Oujda
Jan Jaap de Ruiter, Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural Studies, Tilburg University
Tom Bailey, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Philosophy, John Cabot University
Michael Driessen, Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, John Cabot University

A limited number of grants are available to assist doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers attending the conference. To apply, contact Mohammed Hashas (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.) and Niels Valdemar Vinding (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.) by 30 September 2014.

Attendance is open and free, but online registration is required. See www.luiss.it/evento/2014/11/05/imams-western-europe

Conference venues: LUISS Guido Carli University, Viale Pola 12, Aula Magna, and John Cabot University, Lungotevere Raffaello Sanzio 12, room TG4

Conference webpage: www.imamsofthewest.com


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I testi curati da Annamaria Ventura sono pubblicati sotto una Licenza Creative Commons.
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