EVENTI a Roma riguardanti Medio Oriente e Mondo Arabo (Calendario)
8- Trio Joubran (concerto) |
Wednesday 8 April at 20:45, music concert of Trio Joubran: Samir Joubran oud Wissam Joubran oud Adnan Joubran oud Yousef Hbeisch percussioni. "Il trio di musicisti arabi è famoso in tutto il mondo per sonorità che fondono musica turca, flamenco, antiche suggestioni. Autori di creazioni personali e di affascinanti improvvisazioni, strumentisti raffinati (suonano l’oud, il liuto arabo), i tre fratelli raccontano emozioni, sofferenze e nostalgia per la Palestina, accompagnati dal percussionista Hbeisch." For full programme: http://www.divinamente.info/roma2009/index.html The concert will take place at: Horti Sallustiani, Piazza Sallustio, 21 The compound of Horti Sallustiani was one of the most imposing constructions in Imperial Rome and is what is left of the great park that divided the Quirinal and Pincian hills. The gardens, which were once Julius Caesar’s, were purchased by writer Sallustius. In the gardens important works were found such as the Dying Gaul and the Ludovisi Throne, important witnesses of Ancient Roman sculpture. |
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