EVENTI a Roma riguardanti Medio Oriente e Mondo Arabo (Calendario)

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23- Il Giardino di Allah (libro)

Book presentation:  

"Il Giardino di Allah"

at the Libreria Orientalia,
via Cairoli 63 (near Piazza Vittorio)

on Thursday 23 April
at 7pm.

The book is about the City of Dead in Cairo. As wikipedia details "City of the Dead (Qarafa, Arafa) is a four mile long cemetery in eastern Cairo, Egypt. To the people of Cairo and other Egyptians, it is simply el'arafa which means "the cemetery". It is a bustling grid of tombs and mausoleums where people live and work amongst their dead ancestors. Many residents live here to be near their loved ones, or because they were forced from more crowded areas in Cairo. Many also came from their villages simply looking for work - a good example of rural to urban migration in an LEDC."  

For additional information on book http://www.lacittadeimorti.com/


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