EVENTI a Roma riguardanti Medio Oriente e Mondo Arabo (Calendario)

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AIDA association internationale de Dialectologie arabe


Latest news:
The 9th AIDA conference will be postponed to spring 2011.


Next conference
The 9th AIDA Conference is planned to be held in Pescara, Italy, from 28 March to 1 April 2011.
The address of the organizers is: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.


9th AIDA Conference
Pescara, Italy 2011
Dear colleagues,
during the last general assembly of the ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DE DIALECTOLOGIE ARABE after the conference of Colchester in August 2008, it was decided that the 9th conference will take place in Pescara (Italy), at the University «G. D’Annunzio», Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures. As a first information on this conference please note the following:
• Date: 28 March - 1 April 2011.
• Venue: Pescara (Central Italy, on the Adriatic Sea).
• Conference fee: 65 €; for participants from Eastern European, North African, and Middle Eastern countries 40 €.
• Registration: Please confirm your participation and send the title of your paper as soon as possible, but not later than 20 June 2010 (see form attached).
• Subject: Papers on all fields of Arabic dialectology are welcome, but with the categorical exclusion of any discussion related to Classical Arabic, Arabic literature if not wholly or partly in dialect, or religion.

Important notices
􀂃 You are kindly requested to send all your correspondences to the following e-mail-address: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..
􀂃 Another circular, which will also include information on accommodation, will be sent to all who have responded to the first circular.
􀂃 This first and all following circulars can be found on the AIDA-webpage www.aida.or.at and on a page now under construction on the website of the University «G. D’Annunzio» of Pescara.
With cordial greetings and hopes to see you in 2011,

The organizing committee

Olivier Durand
Angela Daiana Langone
Giuliano Mion
Elvira Diana
Mounir Seghir



Former conferences


1st AIDA Conference
Paris 1993

2nd AIDA Conference
Cambridge 1995

3rd AIDA Conference
Malta 1998

4th AIDA Conference
Marrakech 2000

5th AIDA Conference
Cádiz 2002

6th AIDA Conference
Hammamet 2004

7th AIDA Conference
Vienna 2006

8th AIDA Conference
Colchester, Essex 2008




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I testi curati da Annamaria Ventura sono pubblicati sotto una Licenza Creative Commons.
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