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9-16- Week against the Apartheid Wall

*8th Week against the Apartheid Wall, November 9 – 16 2010** *
*Stop the Wall: Make Apartheid History!*
For the Call in PDF, press:
Eight years into the construction of the Apartheid Wall, over 60% has
already been built to ghettoize communities, threatening over 260,000 people
with displacement and stealing land and water resources.
The international community continues to ignore the 2004 decision of the
International Court of Justice, which calls for the Wall to be dismantled
and for the international community to fulfil its legal obligations: to
enforce Israeli compliance with international humanitarian law and not to
aid and abet the construction and maintenance of the Wall.
*The Stop the Wall Campaign calls on you to:*
- *Raise awareness and mobilize in the streets, communities and
institutions in your country about the Wall, the single largest monument of
Israeli apartheid, and Palestinian resistance against it.*
- *Stop Israeli impunity*
- *Stop the profits Israel makes of the repression *
- *Stop Israeli repression of the anti-Wall movement*
*(For details see below.) *
The Palestinian grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign is more than ever
determined to smash down the 12-meter concrete blocks of the Wall.
*We will not let the Wall define the limits of our Bantustans and our
We call on you to mobilize in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle
against the Wall:
Join the 8th Week against the Apartheid Wall, November 9-16 2010!*
The Palestinian popular resistance has grown incredibly in the past year.
More and more villages have joined weekly action. Al-Ma’sara, al-Walajeh,
Wadi Rahal, Beit Jala, Bil’in, Ni’lin, Nabi Saleh, Awarta, , Iraq Burin,
Burin, Beit Rima and many other communities all across the West Bank are
mobilizing against the Wall and the settlements.
Over a decade of negotiations during which the Occupation has entrenched
itself on Palestinian land has shown that only continued popular resistance
and an international movement for boycotts, divestment and sanctions will
force Israel to respect international law and will enable Palestinians to
achieve justice. However, the communities on the front line are paying a
heavy price for their determination not to surrender to the designs of
Israeli apartheid.
Israeli repression has hit unprecedented levels. Four young boys were
wilfully killed in less than 48 hours in March 2010 in Nablus district. Over
100 Palestinian anti-Wall activists have been arrested in the last three
months, many of them minors. Reports of ill-treatment of minors are rising,
journalists covering the protests are being attacked and international
solidarity activists are being targeted. Entire communities have been
punished. Read more: “People versus Oppression - The Palestinian movement
against the Wall and the settlements under Israeli

*International solidarity more urgent than ever.
The Stop the Wall Campaign urges you to join the Week against the Apartheid
Wall by:
*Participating in the “Anti-Apartheid Marathon”*
A 48 hour anti-Apartheid marathon will take place on November 12/13
. People
from all over the world will come together in a calendar of continuous
events, following the route of the sun. Mark the day and start planning your
local events
to be part of this global mobilization. Organize film
screenings, photo exhibits, street actions, protests, demonstrations,
conferences, debates, festivals or other initiatives
to let people know
about the Wall and its effects.
More information on how your local group can join will be published soon.
*Join the Bust Elbit Campaign*
Elbit Systems is one of dozens of companies that participate in the
construction of the Apartheid Wall.
Elbit also builds the drones that Israel
uses against the Palestinian people in Gaza. Since September 2009, 12
international finance institutions have announced the exclusion of Elbit
from their portfolio because of its complicity
in Israeli apartheid and war
Let’s show Elbit that the world is not ready anymore to bankroll the Wall
and Israeli apartheid. For more information about Elbit, the successes of
the Bust Elbit Campaign and how to join, see:
Elbit is a global player providing weapons and repressive systems all across
the world.
- Check the contracts Elbit has in your country, target the investments
in Elbit through institutions in your country.
- Organize public protests, letter writing campaigns, motions during the
Week against the Apartheid Wall.
- If you are in an EU member state: Approach the EU and your government –
No more European tax money to Elbit and other companies involved in Israeli
crimes! Stop the EU-Israel Association Agreement!
Organize boycott, divestment and sanctions events against the companies
involved in the construction of the Wall and the settlements,
such as Lev
Leviev and his Africa-Israel holdings involved in building settlements
behind the Wall; Veolia and Alstom constructing an apartheid light rail for
the Jerusalem settlements; Cement Roadstone Holdings (CRH) involved in the
provision of cement to the Wall and the settlements. For a list of companies
building the Wall see:
*Campaign for an end to the repression of the anti-Wall activists*
The Palestinian human rights defenders active against the wall and the
settlements are under increasing attack. Israeli repression belies its
claims of ‘democracy’ and adds to the hardship created in the villages
affected by the Wall. Stand in solidarity and:
- Call on your government to actively protect the Palestinian anti-Wall
from Israeli repression through diplomatic action
- Organize awareness raising events and engage media to denounce Israeli
repression of human rights activism and its failed legal system


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