3/12- Mazin Qumsiyeh tour in Italia |
Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh Italy Speaking/Book Tour January 3-12, 2011 Calendario del tour in Italia: The teargas grenades that killed Jawaher Abu Rahmah were most likely made in the USA. So 11 people were arrested by Israeli police as they protested in front of the residence of the US Ambassador to Israel. Demonstrations and vigils were held in many cities and towns around the world. We had a small but meaningful gathering here in Bethlehem last night. The second Palestinian killed by Israeli soldiers was a 21 year old Mohammad Djarmashot at a checkpoint with soldiers claiming he did not obey orders. There is a lot that we can all do to end this mindless colonial structure and finally bring peace and justice to this troubled Holy Land.
I will be in Italy for 10 days with the following schedule of talks centered around the release of my new book “Popular Resistance in Palestine: A History of Hope and Empowerment”
(it is selling very well,see http://www.qumsiyeh.org/popularresistanceinpalestine/). The book will be released in the US this week and I am planning a trip to the US in March. An arabic version is ready but I need to take time to find a publisher (and lack time has been our main handicap!).
Rome 3-5 January (no public event)
Genoa 6-7 January (location to be announced)
Pistoia 8 January (16:30, St. George Library in Pistoia)
Florence 9 January (10:00-11:00, St.James Episcopal Church)
Bologna 10 January (18:30-20:30, Centro di Documentazione delle Donne - via del Piombo 7)
Perugia and Siena 11-12 January (not confirmed) |
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